Event mastery meets AI precision.
Redefine what's possible, with time back and margins raised.
Ready to turbocharge your event game?
Say hello to SUPA!
SUPA! delivers creative and administrative assistance
on any event type for your venue team, suppliers and client.
Across discovery, planning, comms and payments.
All in one easy-to-use platform.
Why should you care?
enquiries, briefs, emails, tasks, budgets, emails, changes,
waiting, waiting,
emails, new budgets, brief changes, emails, requests, agreements,
doc requests, emails, changes, emails, confirmations, payments,
chasing, chasing,
emails, cancellations, changes, logistics, confirmations, invoicing,
chasing, invoicing, payments, chasing.
done. next.
There's unquestionably a mundane side to the job.
Someone's got to do it. Be on it.
Repeat tasks compounded
cost your business time and money.
Events is a low margin business.
Imagine having a clone of your best self.
A You that relishes taking care of the mundane.
Who never sleeps, moans or holidays.
Who gifts you hours of quality time back.
SUPA! is that You.
You to the Power of Two.
enquiries, briefs, emails, tasks, budgets, emails, changes,
waiting, waiting,
emails, new budgets, brief changes, emails, requests, agreements,
doc requests, emails, changes, emails, confirmations, payments,
chasing, chasing,
emails, cancellations, changes, logistics, confirmations, invoicing,
chasing, invoicing, payments, chasing.
done. next.
There's unquestionably a mundane side to the job.
Someone's got to do it. Be on it.
Repeat tasks compounded
cost your business time and money.
Events is a low margin business.
Imagine having a clone of your best self.
A You that relishes taking care of the mundane.
Who never sleeps, moans or holidays.
Who gifts you hours of quality time back.
SUPA! is that You.
You to the Power of Two.
Who is this new you?
1. Empowered
Supercharge delivery of your service experience, empower clients and your team alike. Drive productivity gains, improve everyday operations, optimise for concierge and upselling capability.
Work smarter, not longer.
2. Unburdened
Supersave an average 10+hrs pp,
per week spent on repeat admin tasks. Get valuable time back to focus on what matters most: booking space, event success and client service excellence.
Win back time.
Superconduct a more cohesive and collaborative event planning experience, bring all core participants together.
Harmonise communication, eradicate lags, uncertainty and knowledge gaps.
Orchestrate with aplomb.
Ready to turbocharge your event game?
We're working alongside smart venue operators
to craft this transformative ally.
We're working alongside smart venue operators
to craft this transformative ally.